I am glad I don't have any medical appointments for a while. I left with an Rx for Zantax for the indigestion, and generic plavix for a blood thinner - supposedly it doesn't upset the stomach as badly as aspirin. I told my doctor I would like to start out at a half tablet a day since I seem to be ultra sensitive to a lot of drugs on the market. I will probably have to get blood tests again in about 6 months, and if the anemia is still there I'll be referred to a hematologist. I repeated my wish to not be tested for any kind of cancer, and hematology and oncology seem to have a fine line separating them. The doctor showed me my test results and explained one by one what it would be if I had leukemia. So if it is not likely cancer I will make the decision about seeing a hematologist if the situation arises.I had looked up info about flu shots last night and wrote down a number of salient points, as ammunition for why I didnt want the shot. The Doc completely forgot about it and I didnt have to say a word. Now I'll have to be a little more careful about being around the grandkids if they get flu like symptoms. That hurts, as I've never worried a second either with my own children or any of the grands. I wonder if I could even survive the flu, so I'd better use some caution, but then I'm not known for being cautious about such things.Like most other Americans, I am in a state of complete shock over the shooting today of so many children and adults, and in an elementary school where it seems they should be safe.
I Did Leave The House Today
After getting dressed I decided I didn't feel like going anywhere, but then got a message from my doctor that I could go to the local clinic for my blood tests and flu shot, no appointment necessary. Since I have an appointment to see her tomorrow...
Short Update
To let you know I'm still alive I thought I would post a quick update. All the blood test results turned out better than I or the doctor expected, even though I'm still a bit anemic. I have an appointment to see my doctor next...
Rode Hard And Put Away Wet
That describes how I've been feeling the past week, and yesterday was a particularly bad day for me. Ever since having a stent implant to open a blocked artery in 2004, I have been on a regimen of daily aspirin which has caused severe...
Another Doctor Visit
I need to get to bed earlier tonight than I have been lately, as I have to be downtown to see my doctor for a follow-up at 9:30 am tomorrow. I've become used to staying up later and staying in bed longer in the morning. I think my mattress...
Have Dinner In South Africa
Voulezvousdiner Have just launched a new special offer. ...