A Fancy Mexican Wedding.
Saturday morning was market day here in Valle de Juarez, so we took Tioga George and Renate into town with us. They both have motorhomes with them and we also have the little blue car so we know how much it's appreciated when someone offers a ride!
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A Wonderful Morning With Tioga George
It had rained a lot Saturday night and into Sunday morning, and the forecast was a mixed bag. But, we had some indoor activities planned in case of more rain in the San Diego area, so that was okay. First up on the agenda was a visit with another blogger!...
Meeting Tioga George!
What a great day we had yesterday. We went in to town for a parade in the morning, and then we had a good hike with beautiful views in the afternoon. And, popular internet personalities Ms. Tioga and George showed up at Hacienda Contreras RV Park! Click...
Market Day!
We love Saturdays here at Hacienda Contreras. That's because it's market day in the nearby town of Valle de Juarez, so we try and do a weeks worth of grocery shopping all at once. That means stopping at a few different places, including our favorite...
Market Day
Saturdays are market day in the nearby town of Valle de Juarez. So we went in and got our weekly supply of fruits and veggies, and we stopped at the carneceria (butcher) in the central plaza. Click here to read more......
Saturday Is Market Day
Barb was going into town, and Saturday is market day in Valle de Juarez, so we went in with her. First, we stopped at her house and used Skype to say hi to our son, then we went to the main square and picked up some meat at the carneceria (butcher). Click...