August expenses
Our August costs came in at a total of $1,087.28 and while that sounds very good (and really, it is!) it's also about $200 over our budget for the month. Almost everything else was pretty much within the range that we expected it to be, but accommodation was the category that put us over the $1,000 mark.
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August Expenses
Well, we called for August to be our least expensive month of this year, and I'm pretty sure that it will be tough to beat over the next four months. We only spent $763 in the month of August. Click here to read more......
July Expenses
Wow, today is the first day of August! Time is flying. We are 3/5 of the way through our contract here. And after this weekend, the park will be slowly emptying out over the next six weeks. July expenses were pretty much right on schedule, in fact we...
February Expenses
Another pricey month, mostly because of our visit to Lesotho (which was totally worth it!) and our overnight and accommodation costs. Probably the most we've ever spent on accommodation for the month! We spent a total of $2,284 for the month. Here's...
September Expenses
Well, we had a planned budget of $1,300 for the month of September, and we blew it! Just kidding, but we did exceed our plan a little bit. Total expenses came in at $1,446. Click here to read more......
October, Our Cheapest Month Ever!
Well, in keeping with our budget goal of $1,000 a month, we are pleased to report record low spending for the month of October! Living expenses came in at a total of $707.14. Click here to read more......