Back to the doctor!

Back to the doctor!

The reason we came to Bogota a few days early is because I (Kevin) have had a very bad rash and itchy, blistering skin for the last two weeks or so. I would show you a picture or two, but it's nasty. So I'm not going to. Use your imagination.

Originally, this started small, on my right calf, and left forearm and it simply got a little bit worse every day...for the last two weeks!

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- Well, That Was A Pleasant Surprise!
We departed our little cubical room in Guasca at just before 11:00am yesterday. Enjoyed our stay in the countryside...far better than staying in the city of Bogota. But, we were not totally done with Bogota because we were heading for Bogota airport for...

- The Hilton, It Is Not...
We stayed at the Explora Hostel in the big city of Bogota for seven nights. The hostel itself was great, but seven days in Bogota was about five days too many. It's a big, busy, dirty city, in our opinion. Some may enjoy the "art" that adorns...

- Travel Day! Villavieja To Bogota, Colombia
We were up a little late again yesterday morning. Because of the itchy rash, I haven't been sleeping much and so when I am actually sleeping in the morning, Ruth just allows me to sleep. That's all fine and dandy, but we should be getting up earlier...

- My Lucky Day
I've always considered 13 as my lucky number, and Friday the 13th is a lucky day for me, today being no exception.  I feel terrific this morning!   Just a note to mention my "episode" of a couple days ago.  I have always been sensitive...

- Still Awaiting Test Results
I haven't any word yet on the test for Valley Fever, and I can't imagine why any test these days can't be run faster than this one. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow, and maybe by then we will know about the blood test results....

