Blood Pressure - Again
I finally heard from my doctor regarding the blood pressure readings I sent him a couple of weeks ago. By now I don't want to touch any bp medicine with a 10 ft. pole! He says to keep monitoring and we may need to start a low dose of bp meds - he thinks 140's over 90's max is okay. I'll do the monitoring but I may forget to write something down if it is over 149! I wrote him back and told him I'd do the monitoring but that I've never felt better in my life and I think it's because I quit all prescription meds and pain relievers, antihistimines, etc. I got soooo sick of that damn monitor - just hate it - but I'll accommodate the dr. anyway. When I see him I'm going to thank him profusely for not prescribing anything when I first noted the blood pressure was a little high.
I'm leaving for Milwaukee on the 26th of Feb., and I haven't done anything to get ready for the trip. I always wait until the last minute and then tell myself I work better under pressure. I'll get back on the 4th of March and then will have a little over a month to get ready for my long road trip.
It's a relief to be looking at several days of warming and clear weather ahead. The temps are predicted to get into the low 70's by mid week, and the 70's has always been my idea of perfect weather. I threw away my bikini long ago so I don't need hot weather anymore. (I'm just joking - I've never even tried on a bikini, although in my doddering old age a few years from now I might go for it!)I've been working on a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle for some time now, but I only do a little at a time - I need to wait for optimal daylight to be able to distinguish slight variations in color. I hope I can get it done soon, before I leave for Milwaukee if possible. Years ago I had a large piece of cardboard that I would build the puzzle on, and then slide it in and out under the couch or even the bed to keep it from getting messed up, as well as to be able to use the coffee table. The dining room table was always covered with sewing projects!
That's enough for today.
I haven't written lately about my quilting efforts, so I thought I'd explain where I am now. As you know I tried to just sort of wing it, cutting squares and strips to put together a short little rectangular piece. I put it away to...
Yikes! Almost February
The site rent bills were sent out today and I paid mine already. The month of January was a killer for my utilities - both gas and electric. I hope better weather lies ahead, and wish today was just the beginning of what is to come. ...
Not So Bad!
The news from the doctor this morning wasn't so bad. Evidently it's not unusual to have higher blood pressure at my age, but it isn't at a critical stage and doesn't require treatment or meds. He told me what the ob-gyn told...
Just Relaxing
I haven't done much of anything the past two days since I opened up that jigsaw puzzle box. I need to go to Target but decided it would be less crowded on Monday, so I'm putting it off until tomorrow. This represents two days of work...
Another Doctor Visit
I need to get to bed earlier tonight than I have been lately, as I have to be downtown to see my doctor for a follow-up at 9:30 am tomorrow. I've become used to staying up later and staying in bed longer in the morning. I think my mattress...