Brake problem diagnosed!
I spent some time yesterday morning crawling around underneath Sherman trying to diagnose his brake problem, and sure enough I spotted the cause.
The brake line running along the side of the frame rail has developed a little pinhole leak.
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They Had The Parts!
Yesterday morning, we went into Mazamitla to go to the bank, and on the way back we stopped in at a little auto parts store to see about getting new brake pads for Sherman. There's another store in nearby Valle de Juarez, but we figured we would stop...
Playing Mechanic
Well day two of playing mechanic didn't go quite so smoothly. I found out what was causing the brake squealing noise, and I'm going to need some parts. Click here to read more......
I took a little drive this morning to explore the area over by the Connecticut line. The road was hilly and very winding. At one point I had to brake very hard because I didn't realize how sharp the curve was. When I was through...
Sneezing And Sniffling
I am in plumb pitiful condition. Sneezing enough to shake up my brain, eyes watering and itching, and a whole bunch of other allergy symptoms. I got the Rx for the nasal spray filled, and I think it is the same as I had been prescribed when...
Getting My Truck Ready
I got new tires on the front today, plus replaced the driver's side tie-rod end, and had an alignment. I only understand the tire part! Plus I got new premium wiper blades and they lubricated the brake pedal. I was noticing a moan sometimes when I...