Celebrating the grad

Celebrating the grad

We had a family get together today to celebrate niece Stephanie's college graduation.  Of course, Donald made dessert - decorated like a cake on top but actually cupcakes. 

The party was at Jeannie's house and I managed to snap some pictures:  (click to enlarge)

Jeannie & Steve

Sarah, Steph, and Amy

Joe and Donald

The kids played in the pool

A photo of the group

Amy (my sister) and her daughter Stephanie

Not sure why, but it's almost impossible to get all the kids together for pictures, so a couple are missing for the group.  Liam wasn't feeling well and had to stay home, so it was the four little granddaughters who were there.  Sorry, but I just can't get the color right with this camera.  I downloaded and printed a 156 page user's guide, but can't read the small print so it's useless.

I came home just as it was beginning to get dark.   

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