Clarification (2nd post Tuesday, 5/10)

Clarification (2nd post Tuesday, 5/10)

I don't believe I ever said I NEED a partner in order to go RVing, but I did say I was tired of doing it alone and I WANTED a partner if I continued. I also never said anything like I thought other women felt the same way as I do, and if I didn't make it clear, then I am truly sorry. Sometimes it isn't easy getting a point across that you want to make, but can't say clearly.

I am not a hothouse flower and never have been. I have been a strong and independent female from the time I was a child. For the last 15 or so years since I retired I have traveled in and out of the country alone, hiked about 900 miles of the Appalachian Trail alone, moved myself to Ireland where I lived for 3 years, alone, bought and sold several pieces of property on my own, and tried solo full time RVing.

Damn it all, at the age I find myself is it ok for me to wish I had a partner? I'm not asking that anyone live their lives or plan their futures as I do, so please give me a break.

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