June expenses

June expenses

I'm not including any more advertising income, because essentially we don't have any! Most of you know that we got shut down by the Google Adsense people. And the new Chitika ads have been a waste of time.

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- Bought A New Gps, And June Expenses
I've been waiting for few months and watching every day for a Garmin GPS to come on sale here in Canada that includes maps of Mexico. And today was the day! Details down below. And I never published our June expenses, so they follow below as well....

- Replacement For Adsense
As I expected, Adsense is not the only game in town. You'll notice that we now have advertisements again to subsidize the cost of our travels. These advertisements are provided by Chitika and from first impressions, I'm very impressed! Click...

- April Expenses And Adsense Income
 Not a bad month, but once again the “ miscellaneous” expenses were higher than we like them to be. On the website income side of things,  our Adsense revenue once again had a pretty good month. Click here to read more......

- Adsense Update
The month of May produced $37.60 worth of adsense income for us from our blog, but only $4.65 of that was in the last 7 days. That compares to $33 or so in the month of April. Click here to read more......

- Adsense Income
Here is a breakdown of our Google Adsense income since we started. Click here to read more......

