No cruise this year.

No cruise this year.

We had been looking at the options of how to get from Halifax to New York in early November in time for our November 6 departure to Windhoek, Namibia.

Thought it might be interesting to hop on one of those fall New England cruises that is heading south, and there was one that stopped in Halifax and did a 3 day trip before stopping again in New York.

But it is not meant to be.

Click here to

- Up At 4:00am...
But it's not bad getting up at that hour when you know you're going on a trip! Still, that's a little early. But, the hour long drive to Halifax airport went by quickly, and then we didn't have long to wait for our flight  to Philadelphia....

- San Francisco On Our Agenda?
Boy, it was a miserable weekend weatherwise, so we spent much of it indoors. That meant that I was on the internet more than normal. And when on the internet, my usage tends to be towards travel related things. So I was once again exploring the options...

- Planning For New York City
A week and a half from now, we arrive in New York City. The Big Apple! And so we're doing some planning. We're going to be there for four nights. We arrive November 2nd at Newark Airport in New Jersey and we depart November 6th from JFK Airport...

- Booked!
Well, just like the white pelicans, we will be flying too! Not only to Namibia...first, we had to get to Halifax. Click here to read more......

- Via Rail Part 1
Lindsey and Justin and Cameron drove us to Halifaxyesterday morning so that we could catch our 12:15pm train “The Ocean” which runs from Halifax to Montreal. It was a Sunday, so there was very little traffic on the roads and we made it with lots of...

