I got some more of the old carpet cut out from around the entrance steps. We're going to replace it with the same fake hardwood laminate that we're putting through the kitchen and bathroom. Of course they had it held in there with a gazillion staples, but I guess that'a the way they do it. At least it never came apart in 16 years!
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Chip Off The Old Block!
Steve and Liam came by this morning, and he offered to replace the carpeting on my steps. When it really started to look good he offered to do the porch if I get more carpeting. Liam came with his tool belt around his waist, and it so funny to watch...
When Did I Become A Klutz?
I have poked myself with a screw driver while trying to get the new blade into a box cutter, and it's a wonder the blade itself didn't do any damage. As it was the screwdriver drew blood. Then I pricked my fingers upteen times with the little...
I've Been Working Hard
TROUBLEnTX wrote to suggest that I just go ahead and pull out all the carpeting now, rather than wait until I can put the new flooring in. I wasn't quite sure what the subfloor would be like, or what even lay under the rug. I pulled up a bit of it...
I Should Sleep Well Tonight
I am surrounded by boxes that need emptying and a couple of items of furniture that need to be rearranged, but I'm happy to have my comfy bed set up. It is a queen size bed, and takes up a lot of the room. I'll be happy with the bed, a chest of...
Why I'm Using A Separate Primer
I have had a lot of folks write to suggest I could cut my painting time by using one of the paints that already contains primer. I would do this if I was painting wallboard or plaster. The woman at Home Depot, who seems to be very knowledgeable as well...