Still battling weeds!

Still battling weeds!

When I went to pay my April rent this morning I told the Park manager that I was trying to keep up with weed & grass removal, but that I planned a complete redo of the yard later on in the summer.  I worked at the library this morning, and when I came home I went to pull some weeds on one side of the house - Leslie, the mgr. drove up in her cart and comiserated with me on the weed problem, so I guess I can just keep pulling until I leave for NY.  I divide my yard into 3 main sections, and by the time I'm back at the first, the weeds & grass have taken over again.

I worked out at the gym last night and am just now beginning to feel the soreness in my shoulders.  It's a "good ache" though.

You may remember that two months or so ago I commented that the sun wasn't setting in the place it normally set.  I've been reading that many people have noticed that the sky and moon don't look right, and don't seem to be in the right place.  The answer was that the planet has tilted just enough to make it noticeable.  Whether that's entirely accurate or not, it makes me feel that I'm not imagining things.  The sky doesn't look right, nor the movement of sun and moon.  

Maybe the earthquakes happening in places that they never used to occur have changed things.  With all the fracking wells, some in unimaginable places (middle of commercial orchards for example), plus the preponderance of fracking wells, I wonder why the states are still allowing it.  I wouldn't want to live in Oklahoma these days - I believe I heard a few months back that OK topped the list of all 50 states for earthquakes in one month.  They also have wells everywhere they can drill them.

Oh well, I didn't mean to get into a controversial subject, but of all natural disasters, I worry about earthquakes the most, followed by volcano eruptions.  Even some long dormant volcanos are becoming active.  You can run but you can't hide from all this scary stuff.

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