Sure miss our hikes!

Sure miss our hikes!

It's the same old, same old going on this past week in one!  We can feel the end in sight though, and the time really is flying by.  Neither one of us really minds our work, its different than working a "real" job because you know that it is only for 6-7 months and then we have five months off to travel, of course we are striving for being on the road fulltime again and I know that will happen sooner than we think, at least we sure hope so.  As I said we really don't mind doing the jobs that we do have so that makes things easier.
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- What A Day!
Far too much to tell you in one single blog post, so I'll do another one this afternoon. But suffice to say that the entire caravan group had a really fun day. Us included! Actually, we have to say....we're enjoying our time with this group,...

- The 6 Best Things About Canada
I have been accused in the past of being a little bit "anti" Canadian. And while it's true that I am outspokenly critical of things that I think Canada could do better, being back in our home country for a couple of weeks has reminded me...

- What A Day!
You'd think my "what a day!" title would be related to how much work we did at the campground or something. But no, it's because we went shopping yesterday! Let me tell you, I'd rather stay at the campground and work. Okay, but first...

- House Sitting
We are currently house sitting here in Kingston, Ontario for 4 months while the owners are away. They wanted somebody to live here and look after things until they get back. So we shovel the snow, and bring in the mail, and generally make the place look...

- A Relaxing Day
I went to Jeannie's house today to spend the day with Ara before she heads back east.  Jeannie, Ara and I put toether  a big jigsaw puzzle, and worked 5 NY Times crossword puzzles.  With three great minds together we just couldn't...

