You can probably tell this will be somewhat of a rant, so it's your choice to read it or not.Without going into a lot of detail, I'd like to say I am sick and tired of many technological advances. I don't have a smart phone which prevents me from doing many things others take for granted. I want to redeem some points I have at my gym for a product they offer, but I need a smart phone to download and send the bar code for the product.I send emails now and then to family, friends, and acquaintances, but how many of those do you think either go unread, but certainly go unanswered. People are always looking at their phones so I'm sure they know they have a new email. If it was a text msg it would probably be read quickly and answered with a quick text. The same goes for phone calls - no one seems to have much time to punch in some numbers or go to a contact list in order to have voice contact. I'll be damned if I'm going to join the smart people who own smart phones. The same thing goes for Facebook - it's amazing how many comments and likes one can read from 750 of their closest "friends" on FB, but they can't read a simple email.My complaints just go on from there, but I don't see any sense in boring anyone further - that's assuming you have read this far.You might not believe it, but I actually feel terrific! I've done all my exercises today, and eaten what to me is a fairly good diet. I'm getting ready to go through my kitchen cabinets and fridge, and purge the stuff I will no longer use. I hate to throw things out, especially unopened packages, but if I don't think it's healthy for me then I don't think it is healthy for anyone. What a dilemma. If anyone is interested in the rationale behind my change in diet, you might want to read "Grain Brain" by David Perlmutter, M.D., a noted neurosurgeon. It's available at libraries, and my daughter checked out one in large print for me.
More On The Weirdness!
I contacted the DMV about my license, and they responded that they do NOT put a chip in their licenses. So it wasn't possible for the blood pressure machine to "read" my personal information from my license. I have written to Great Call, the...
More About Comments And Google
Thanks to all who helped me test my comment section yesterday. I heard that Google is going to come up with a different verification process that will just involve checking a box. I'm not sure if it will matter whether or not the comments...
Tweet Tweet!
I have lately watched way more TV than is good for a person, but I am really interested in the disappearance of the Malaysian plane. I usually watch CNN, and the host of whatever show is on says "Tweet me with your questions". Well yes, I have lots...
So much for my dairy-free diet. I just ran out to the store to pick up some half & half, and came home with a quart of half & half, a quart of whole milk, a package of Tillamook shredded cheddar, and a container of sour cream. I've...
Want A New Website?
Would You Like A Website Like Ours? We Can Design and develop a website with limited content (up to 5 pages and 1 gallery) Cost R7500 Host the website on Windows Azure platform including 2 email addresses at a cost of R500...