Thanks for setting us straight!

Thanks for setting us straight!

First, I want to thank everybody who left a comment on yesterday's post. The vast majority of you said we should be going to Guatemala, and of course you're right! So, as our facebook fans already know, we have made the decision to do exactly that.

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- It Wouldn't Be Like Us To Take The Easy Route.
A long driving day for us yesterday. Made even longer, by a decision I chose to make towards the end of the drive! Of course there was some logic to that decision, it simply didn't work out quite as well as we would have liked. Oh well. It wouldn't...

- What Do You Think?
Do you like our new facebook header photo? It was designed and produced by someone from the website we told you about. I think it's pretty good for five bucks, no? Those of you who don't "do" facebook might not have seen that...

- Indecision
We're normally really good at being decisive about something. You weigh the pros and cons, and you make a decision. Simple, right? Well for some reason we've been having a hard time with this Guatemala thing. But I think we've finally made...

- San Miguel De Allende (day 3)
Busy day yesterday! First, we made a bit of a last minute decision to go to the nearby town of Atontonilco. Then, we made a totally last minute decision to go to the city of Dolores Hidalgo and visit a huge pottery factory. Then after lunch, we did a...

- Drive Clean
That's the name of the Ontario vehicle emissions testing program. It's just a big money grab because the vast majority of vehicles tested pass with flying colors. For cars, the test costs $35. But for motorhomes, there is confusion. Click here...

