The last few days

The last few days

With all the "excitement" of this Australia contest, we've been neglecting telling you about what we've been up to the last few days. Here's the rundown...

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- Dancers, Acrobats, And Tightropes
What a fun day we had! We got an email this morning from our friend June, saying that she and her boyfriend Park would like to take us to the Korean Folk Village in Yongin, about a half hour south of Seoul. "Sure", we said..."let's...

- What A Day!
You'd think my "what a day!" title would be related to how much work we did at the campground or something. But no, it's because we went shopping yesterday! Let me tell you, I'd rather stay at the campground and work. Okay, but first...

- July Expenses
But before we get to's now August. That means we can say "next month we're outta here!" Not that we're counting the days or anything. Well, actually we are! Click here to read more......

- Two Places We Would Love To Visit.
The other day I came across a photo of a little island, and I published it on our facebook page. It's one of those places that as soon as you see the photo, your first reaction is "wow"! I can see us making it there some day. The second...

- Tope
Pronounced "tow-pay". Or several, as in topes "tow-pays". This is the Mexican version of a speed bump, and they are everywhere in Mexico. And, they are very effective. Click here to read more......

