The Olympics

The Olympics

Virtually every time we tell someone that we are going to England, the very first question is "Oh, you're going to the Olympics"? Actually, no, we have no intention of going to the Olympics. In fact, if I lived in London I would make sure I was away for the Olympics!

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- "which Country Is Your Favorite?"
One of the most common questions we are asked is... "Of the countries you've visited, which one is your favorite?" And it's a tough question to answer. First of all, we've only been to somewhere around 23 countries. So considering...

- Two Places We Would Love To Visit.
The other day I came across a photo of a little island, and I published it on our facebook page. It's one of those places that as soon as you see the photo, your first reaction is "wow"! I can see us making it there some day. The second...

- Tope
Pronounced "tow-pay". Or several, as in topes "tow-pays". This is the Mexican version of a speed bump, and they are everywhere in Mexico. And, they are very effective. Click here to read more......

- 24/7 In The Motorhome
When we started out on this RV lifestyle, some of the questions people asked us were "what are you going to do all the time?" and "won't you get bored?" Click here to read more......

- House Sitting
We are currently house sitting here in Kingston, Ontario for 4 months while the owners are away. They wanted somebody to live here and look after things until they get back. So we shovel the snow, and bring in the mail, and generally make the place look...

