Weekend happenings
Saturday was market day, and we went back to the same vendor that we always go to for our weeks supply of fruits and veggies. This week's order came to 110 pesos ($8.80).
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Market Day In Valle De Juarez
One of the things we love about this area is market day in the town of Valle de Juarez. Saturday is the day of the weekly tianguis market, and so Ruth and I did the two km walk into town to get our supply of fruits and veggies. When we got to the market,...
The Very Best Place To Buy Your Fruits And Veggies!
Just about every town in Mexico does a weekly tiaguis market. There is no English translation for the word "tianguis", since this is essentially a Mexican and Central American event. The tianguis market can take place on any day of the week,...
Market Day
Saturdays are market day in the nearby town of Valle de Juarez. So we went in and got our weekly supply of fruits and veggies, and we stopped at the carneceria (butcher) in the central plaza. Click here to read more......
We Love Market Day!
We love going into the local Saturday market to pick up our fruits and veggies for the week. There's one popular stand where the guy adds everything up so quickly that you can't understand what he says. He pretty much sounds like an auctioneer!...
A Fiesta...again!
Yesterday morning, Barb was going into town so we hopped in for the ride. Saturday is market day and we needed to stock up on fruits and veggies for the week. We went to the market and walked the 30 minutes or so back to the campground. Click here to...