When no means yes...

When no means yes...

There are certainly some funny issues that we've encountered traveling in a country where we don't understand the language. For example, "no" really does mean yes!

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- Planning Our Route North
We didn't expect to be here in Valle de Juarez this long, but because of my dental work it turns out that we're "stuck" here until March 13th. While we're very happy to be spending more time here than expected, it also means that...

- Ruth's Doctor's Appointment
It had been quite a few years since our last "annual" physical checkup.  Personally, I think that these annual physical checkups are a total waste of the system's resources, but I understand that is just my opinion. Others think differently,...

- The 6 Best Things About Canada
I have been accused in the past of being a little bit "anti" Canadian. And while it's true that I am outspokenly critical of things that I think Canada could do better, being back in our home country for a couple of weeks has reminded me...

- Mordida
The Spanish term "mordida" literally means "the bite". It is when an official is asking for a bribe. For our purposes here in Mexico, the term is most often used in relation to a traffic police officer who is asking for money for a...

- Tope
Pronounced "tow-pay". Or several, as in topes "tow-pays". This is the Mexican version of a speed bump, and they are everywhere in Mexico. And, they are very effective. Click here to read more......

