My down vest arrived today from Cabela's, and I'm thrilled with it. It is a roomy fit, but I want to be able to wear a couple of layers underneath it, and the same for the down jacket. Two or three years ago I bought a flannel shirt from Cabela's that matches the vest in color, so I took a picture with the shirt included. I will no doubt look like the Michelin Man when wearing these garments, although I purposely looked for and bought models that had smaller and more compact channels for the down. Would you believe that there are down jackets made with the channels running crosswise the full width of the garment. Now that is a Michelin Man look!

I am not very happy with my dog this afternoon and she knows it. If we happen to come close to another dog and the other dog growls and acts aggressively, Lady responds the same way. Who do they think owns the damn sidewalk. I am so sick of the territorial nature of dogs that I'd like a vacation from all of them. (Maybe I need to take a cruise, but it would have to be "no pets allowed".) I can see if they are on their own property, car, etc., but walking along a public sidewalk? I'm sorry but I'm just tired of it.
I'm probably frustrated at finding out that I am going to find it very difficult to load everything in the truck. The new dog bed takes up more space than I thought, and I have a lot of items to place behind the driver's seat. Her bed is behind the passenger seat and I usually pull the seat forward to give her extra room, which also reduces the amount of space to put things in the front passenger side and on the floor. If it wouldn't cost so much I would put her in a kennel for the 3 or 4 weeks I'm gone. But she doesn't have the required shots for kenneling, and I'm not scrambling to find a vet as well.
Jeannie just stopped by to give me her blood pressure monitor so that I can check my pressure daily as requested by the doctor. I hope it doesn't rise, because I hate taking meds for it. She also offered to come by on Saturday and help me pack my truck. All my kids inherited from their dad an incredible ability to pack efficiently into a small space, and I know any one of them can get more into my truck than I can. He was phenomenal, and so are they.
Quick Update To Sunday's Post
I went out and took pictures of the back of my Highlander. (Excuse the boxes and remnants of camping stuff.) I tried to lay the small seat flat and it doesn't show the true slant in these photos, but it's definitely there. I got in...
I Can See Light
I can see the end of the tunnel. I'm not there yet, by a long shot, but I know I can do it. I took 6 boxes over to storage today, 3 of which were fairly heavy and 3 were lighter. I got smart the last time I bought boxes and got selected only the small...
Driving A Car Again
Unlike many RVers I don't pull a small vehicle for driving around, commonly called a "toad". So I am familiar with driving and parking my 1-ton Ford. Until we remove the camper from the truck tomorrow, I'm driving my son's Matrix. I have driven...
Just Some Ramblings
I forgot to mention that I bought a down jacket at the Eddie Bauer outlet store on Sunday. It is very warm and delightfully lightweight. I liked another equally warm jacket, in a gorgeous woodland green color (the one I bought is a bright sky blue) but...
Tips: Baggage & Packing For Aruba
Airlines are required to refund any fee for carrying a bag if the bag is lostAirlines are required to compensate passengers for reasonable expenses for loss, damage or delay in the carriage of passenger baggage.Airlines are required to disclose baggage...