You just can't take pictures of a large group, especially one that includes wiggly little children, and catch everyone at the exact right moment. Here are two group photos of the family in their tie dye on our recent trip to Apple Hill.

I was at Jeannie's house this afternoon and caught this picture of Donald reading to his two little daughters.

They wanted to do some miscellaneous shopping but I decided it would be easier to stay at home with the girls. That was a wise move and the baby took a nice long nap, and I got to cut out paper dolls with Autie. I sent her an old-fashioned paper doll book last Christmas that I bought at Ft. Pulaski. It featured girls, their hair styles and their clothes from approx. 1854-1861. Being the old fashioned kind, they aren't perforated so I have to cut each item by hand, and can only do a few at a time. I thought her mom would have had them all cut out before I even returned to Sacramento, but the wise woman left it for the old woman who sent the dolls in the first place!
It brings back memories from when I was a kid, but I am going to look for the newer model perforated dolls & clothes.
We also read many, many books. Three year old Autumn did most of the "reading", as she has such a phenomenal memory she can hear a story once and repeat it from then on nearly word for word (and what she doesn't remember, she makes up.)
I had a nice afternoon and now I'm so glad to be in the quiet of my own home. I am so ready to be traveling somewhere in cool mountains.
New Glasses
I'm not good at taking selfies (in fact I think the word "selfie" is dumb to begin with), so I'll publish a picture when I can. My new glasses came in today, so I was off to Walmart to pick them up. They improve my distance...
Camping, Cont'd.
I have just a few more pictures and I covered most of the camping details in yesterday's post. A word about the photos, there are so many trees and the CA sun is so bright that it's not easy to get a good picture with all the dappling of...
More On Downsizing
I'd like to elaborate a little more on my post yesterday about whether or not to hold on to "stuff" when leaving a sticks & bricks for an RV, or downsizing for any reason. In 2000 I moved to Ireland where I lived in a rented Irish farmhouse for...
Getting Ready To Party
Not really, not me at least, but I am going to a birthday party for my granddaughter Autumn, who will be 6 yrs old in a couple of days. Last night Donald was doing the cake and needed to get his 4 girls out of the house for a while, so Jeannie,...
The Fair And Other Things
First of all I need to address the comments I've received about turning on my a/c. It is 12:30 pm as I'm writing this, and 72F inside my apartment, 73 outdoors. It won't begin to get hot outside until around 3-5 pm, and usually reaches the...