A couple of additions
In response to Carolyn's inquiry about my Ireland blog, I have added links to both my journals written while I was in Ireland (2000-2003) and my backpack journey of the Appalachian Trail (1997). The Ireland blog consists of only a few entries, but one of these contains daily journal entries. The blog was taken from letters written to my mother while I was in Ireland, and there are noticeable gaps plus the entries she didn't save from the last year I was there. I think it may have been because a man was living with me (horrors and shame!!!) and she just didn't approve.
I used a different program for the Appalachian Trail blog so it isn't quite like what you may be accustomed to in Blogger.
I removed these links a while back when I was seriously considering tossing the whole blog thing into the can. I still have days like that once in a while, when I wonder why I even keep this up.
I decided it was time for a new header photo, and this one depicts one of my favorite sites - Mt. Shasta. It is seen from a great distance in every direction, and when it first comes in sight you can't help but feel your heart jump in amazement at the beautiful sight of it. I make no claims to be a good photographer, and I normally don't enhance or do anything to my photos. This is mainly because I'm too lazy to sit down and really learn how to do it. I also realized many years ago that you can't capture the beauty of nature on film or on a canvas. You can come close, but some sights just have to be held in memory. I guess the photos or drawings help to trigger the memory, and I hope my poor attempts at picture taking trigger the memories of those who have been fortunate enough to see Crater Lake and Mt. Shasta.
This was taken during my visit with Judy and Emma back in August of this year:

These pictures were from my stop at Crater Lake in Oregon as well as the views of Shasta:

Since these photos are from the CD of film developed at Costco, they don't act the same as photos imported from my digital camera. For this reason, you may not be able to enlarge them to the same degree.
Redding, Ca
I arrived in Redding, CA at 3:30 pm and got the shock of my life when I opened my car door at the motel and stepped into a furnace. It is 103F here, and I've spent the last two months in beautifully cool temperatures. I haven't checked to see...
Ireland, Continued
Continuing from yesterday's blog about my travels and life in Ireland, here are a couple of pictures of the house I lived in for my final year in the country. From my upstairs bedroom I could see Ballydonegan Bay and further out to the Atlantic. The...
Sacramento, Ca
I left Klamath Falls around 8:00 am and I had the road all to myself, US97 and I-5S, until I reached Redding. From there on the traffic was heavy, and the driving habits of CA drivers came back to me. They sure scare me!
Every time I see Mt. Shasta...
Klamath Falls, Or
I started out from Pendleton this morning and pulled into the Shell station next door to refuel. I was surprised to see a young man by the pump waiting for me to swipe my card so he could pump the gas. He told me that a new Oregon state law (or maybe...
A Visit With Judy And Emma
I had a wonderful visit and lunch with Judy today, and Lady and I finally got to meet Emma. Emma is exuberant and Lady was worn out just watching her. This picture doesn't quite capture the exuberance however: Here is a photo of both: Judy and I...