A few more photos
Today was spent by Dave installing the Torque-Lift tie-down hardware on my truck. I think I have the terms correct, but you get the general idea if I don't. It was really a time-consuming and difficult job doing the left side because the gas tank is right next to where the bolts go. There is a lot more to it but I can't describe it accurately, and it was a frustrating job (for Dave, I sat in my chair in the sun).
Here is a picture of the bed, and I'm sorry I didn't smooth down the comforter very well, but it is fine with me:

Here is a picture of Lady - you can see her bed is wedged in the narrow aisle way and it is difficult to get around her. I think her joints are bothering her and she has a tough time getting in and out of the camper, which will be worse when it sits up higher on the truck. I am definitely going to have to get a pet ramp.

While Dave was working on the tie-downs I walked around and tried to get some pictures to show how large his site is. Most of the sites are very large, and most folks have an RV or two, plus storage shed(s) plus a couple of vehicles.

His site is a huge wedge shaped piece of land, and his 5th wheel sits along one side; my TC is behind it. In the second picture you can see a white object on the extreme right, and that is his cargo trailer, which can give you an idea of how large the site is and how things are spaced well apart from each other.
I don't think I would ever be tempted to spend a lot of time in the desert, and I'm glad I have the opportunity to experience it for about a month. It is too thorny, sticker-bushy, dry, and windy. It gets down to freezing at night but still isn't short sleeve weather in the daytime, although the sun is bright. The two things I love are the absolute quiet and the sky full of stars. I think I have identified the constellation of Pisces in the sky, which I've never done before. I need a good star chart because everything I find online is not as good as the program that came with my telescope. I doubt the software would even be adaptable to my MAC, but I should check it out when I get back to Sacramento - I think I still have it but maybe not.
I've been in the west for a long time now and long for the green grass, trees and mountains of the east. Hopefully it won't be too much longer. I have to admit it is much easier to drive here and it seems like less traffic (except for cities, of course).
I think I am going to be able to adapt very quickly to being in a truck camper, but it really does take some adapting. There is much less space for one thing, but a lot more space than you might think. It will take some getting familiar with the systems and working out the easiest way for ME to use it.
I have finally found the justification I need to spend the money on a labeler! When I get back to Sac, my daughter is going to be helping me organize and pack and label everything. I might get my daughters-in-law in on the act as well, although the four of us would be bumping into each other!
Lastly, I'm sorry I haven't been able to comment on most blogs, although I try to read them all. I can run my computer and the MiFi off their batteries for so long, and then I need to plug them into an outlet to charge. Not wanting to pull from the batteries I just wait until I have several reasons to run the generator, so I have been weaned away from much of my computer use. Tomorrow we are going to drive someplace so I will be lucky to read my email. Be back online when I can - - -
Quartzsite Again
Made a quick trip to Discount Solar in "Q" today. I wanted to get an estimate for a system for my TC, but after thinking about it I decided to use the camper as is for now, plug into campground electricity where available and use the genny when I can't...
First Time
This must be the third day (I fell on Thursday afternoon) and I feel worse than ever. The only halfway comfortable position is standing, and I sure can't stand all day. Will this ever get better? On a much nicer note, I am posting some pictures taken...
Back To Buckeye
I was up very early this morning as we needed to go to Buckeye and be back in time for the honey wagon I'd signed up for. There is some construction on I-10 that really slows traffic, as it is reduced to one lane in each direction, so Dave found an...
Drive To Wickenburg
Dave and I drove to Wickenburg today and stopped at a Safeway so I could get a few groceries, plus a general type store in the area. The route we took was pretty nondescript at first, but there was one section on Eagle Eye Road that was really pretty....
Thanksgiving Day, 2010
I hope you all had a very nice Thanksgiving Day. Here are a few photos I've taken - a sunset and a morning picture: And a couple that were taken while walking in the desert with Lady: Here is my camper with the truck parked nearby: We took...