Christmas Day with family
I thought I would post a couple of pictures taken yesterday evening. By the time all the kids were there I had set my camera down, but we had a fun time. The adult kids have a Secret Santa gift exchange, and I usually end up with my stomach hurting from laughing so much.
I don't know what is wrong with the second picture. I rotated it and it shows up correctly when I look at it in iPhoto, but not when I bring it into the blog. Sorry, but you will either have to turn your head or your computer sideways, or else skip it altogether.

When I arrived I realized I didn't have the money cards for the children, so I drove back home in a heavy downpour and looked everywhere for them. Thinking I had dropped them and they had been picked up by someone (cash & gift cards would be easy enough to spend), I was about ready to give up at drive back. I had put them into a paper bag to try to keep them dry while running for the truck, and as I was going back to the truck thinking I wouldn't ever see them again, I found the paper bag & contents floating in a deep puddle. By the time I handed them out they were still a bit wet and limp, but at least I found them.
Busy Day On Tuesday
Early this morning my son Steve brought Liam over to my house, and his mom Meg picked him up after work. We had a great time. Liam turned 4 in August and is interested in paleontology and Teen-aged Mutant Ninja Turtles. His interest in Paleontology...
I Fixed The Printer!
I wanted to return the printer to Staples today to see if they could figure out what was wrong with it. I'm glad I didn't embarrass myself by taking it there. I couldn't find the receipt, so I checked the installation instructions and found...
Just Another Day
There really hasn't been anything to blog about lately. The biggest thing in my life is that my featherbed arrived, and is it ever heavy! I originally bought it thinking I would use it in the truck camper, but figure I might as well put it on my bed...
Do I Cry Or Laugh
I can either cry or I can laugh, so I choose laughter. My day began when I walked Lady past our apt. complex and was passing the apartments next to us. Just about everyone runs their automatic sprinklers early in the morning, but there has been a malfunction...
The Deed Is Done!
Yesterday Steve towed my 5th wheel to a local dealer's lot, and this morning he drove me over to sign the papers authorizing them to sell it for me. They were very pleasant and optimistic, and seemed to be easy to work with, not something I readily...