Clarkston, WA
These are the best of the photos I took from the moving car today, and none are very good. I hate taking pictures this way, but sometimes it's the only way. They were all from US2 West between Kalispell and the Idaho border.

Let me say (again) that I love Montana and think it is one of the most beautiful states, overall, in the US. I considered taking a spin up to the border and driving a few miles into British Columbia since I have never been in that Province. I had a motel reservation in Clarkston for this evening and figured that would be enough driving for one day, and I didn't want to add any miles to the day's total.
I've always liked Idaho but this was the first time I've been in the Panhandle. It may be the last, because I think the scenery is much better in the lower part of the state. I'm probably swayed also by the terrible traffic and driving conditions around Coeur d'Alene. Between the turnoff for Spokane and leaving Coeur d'Alene are stoplights at every corner, all set so that you hit them when they are red, and malls lining both sides of the highway so that there is a maximum of traffic at all times of day. Yuk! Sorry, but I just don't care for large cities, heavy traffic, or malls.
Continuing on US 95S I was passed by three police cars going at very high speeds, and then an ambulance. Several miles further I saw what caused the trouble - a big tractor trailer must have rolled completely over onto the side of the road. I didn't see the cab, but the trailer was upside down. The EMT crew was putting someone into the ambulance as I drove by. I sure hope he makes it.
The rest of the drive is OK until you turn onto US 12 West, which I found confusing going through Lewiston, ID, and then even more confusing in Clarkston, WA. But I made it to the very nice Motel 6. I have an extremely nice room with fridge (keep my beer cold) and microwave (I won't use). There is a Costco just across the street and down a ways but I'm not even going there because I have no room to put anything. I'll do my shopping when I get back to Sac. There is an indoor pool and hot tub, but I'm too tired to even think about it and will probably be asleep by the time it gets dark.
Lady gets into the car very well today although she hesitates before jumping out of it. She needs her nails clipped, which will be her next ordeal. The worry I have now is that she hasn't eaten for 3 days although she drinks plenty of water, and sure gobbles down the pill wrapped in a slice of turkey.
The next two days should be a fairly easy drive if I remember correctly from doing it last year. It's mostly through high desert which is pretty in its own way. I think somewhere along the way is a High Desert Museum, and I might just take a look if it is one of my "short" days.
Here are some photos that Carolyn took of our trip into Glacier NP. Carolyn was there to help me get the car loaded back up this morning, and took Lady for a nice walk around the premises. It has been so nice meeting her, and I'm sure our paths will cross again. And thanks for lunch yesterday, Carolyn - I didn't need anything else to eat for the rest of the day!
Drinking out of the creek:

A walk down to the lake:

Catching Up
HELENA, MT: I was fortunate to be able to connect with old friends Sandie & Jim Dixon in Helena. They came and picked me up at the motel and drove me around to show me the sights of Helena, which is a beautiful little city - the kind that seems to be...
I took Lady to the vet after I checked in the motel and emailed Carolyn explaining what I had to do. We got to the vet a little early and planned to walk her around to get her joints unstuck, but she wouldn't get out of the car. Then Carolyn showed...
Miles City, Montana
Can you believe it??? Take a look at a map and think about me starting out this morning in Grand Forks, ND and ending up in Miles City, MT! My destination today was Williston, ND, an easy day's drive - until near the end of it. To begin with, North...
A Great Day On The Road Again!
Today was a good day, travel-wise. The sun was shining all day, and the only road work I ran into was about 40 miles from my destination. I had a bit of a wait - on the two lane highways they have to make one lane stop and wait until the highway gods...
Frustrations Today
I have enjoyed the scenery in eastern Montana, which is breathtaking. I couldn't take pictures, though, because there is no pull-out or scenic view space in the whole state that I can see. I planned to see something of Butte today, but after 12 miles...