Fewer participants at 2013 Donkey Walk-a-thon than before
Although the weather was cooperating with the Donkey Walk-a-thon, there was noticeable competition of other activities on the island, causing the 2013 edition of the walk to be less busy than before. On the same evening as the walk on January 19 there was a 10-mile cross event starting at the Marine base and quite a lot of regulars were absent because of the Calypso Contest.

But even so there were still more than 150 participants: some walking in a leisurely tempo while others were walking as fast as they could for glory. The fast group mainly went solo; the rest walked together with the two donkeys Ban Ban and Igor. Igor was doing fine doing the 5 K walk, but Ban Ban was running on empty at a certain moment. His handlers had to leave him at one of the water posts and from there he was taken back to the sanctuary by a trailer. For the donkeys there was no present, but for all the participants there was a gift, sponsored by Bucuti Resort: really nice metal water bottles, that were handed out at the start.
At the finish there was juice and fruit courtesy of our long-time sponsor SuperFood.
Results of the runners were: Wernher Dijkhoff (1) and Mito Werleman (2), Ladies Digna Geerman (1) and Quiana Cronie (2) and Juniors Tjerk Prinsen (1) and Nathan Winterdal (2) – well done!
As our sponsors covered the cost of our annual walk-a-thon, the proceeds of this year’s edition went entirely to the Donkey Sanctuary.
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