Getting our hiking legs in shape

Getting our hiking legs in shape

We finally made it out for a hike yesterday afternoon. For the first time since we've been here this season! Only an hour and a half, but we still managed almost 6.4 kms (4 miles) and weren't at all tired.

I love having the iPhone with me and using the MotionX GPS app.

Click here to

- They Never Had Toys Like This When I Was A Kid!
First of all, thanks for all the tips yesterday regarding our new-to-us iPhone. As it is, I have already downloaded a hiking mapping app for $1.19 called Motion-X GPS that appears to be all we need so that we don't need to spend the $20 for the other...

- To The Bottom Of Basaseachi Canyon
We set out yesterday morning at about 10:30am for what we figured would be a three or four hour hike. Turned out that we were gone for five and a half hours! Pretty quiet for the morning part of the hike, and when we got to the bottom of the canyon at...

- Best Rainbow Ever!
They were calling for a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon, and boy did we ever get one! It poured buckets for about a half an hour and then it slowly tapered off for another half hour. And then the clouds abruptly moved on and the sun came out! Click here...

- Thunderstorm In The Desert!
Here in the Namib Desert, it gets pretty hot at this time of year. And it's supposed to be the rainy season now, but after all, this is the desert. So we weren't counting on seeing too much of that! Either way, we wanted to do some hiking and...

- New Printer Delivered
That seems quick! I got an email today saying the printer was shipped on the 18th (yesterday) and would be delivered on the 19th. I had it sent to Jeannie's house, as I usually do for anything too large to fit in my mailbox, and she said it arrived...

