Graduation weekend
My granddaughter is the 5th one back on the left. There were about 350 in the graduating class (out of 500 who began 4 years ago). It was a very nice ceremony and a beautiful sunny day. I forgot to put sunscreen on my shoulders and got a burn that is getting better by now.

The close up photos I took of her in her cap and gown are on my film camera, but Sandy took this one on her cell phone:

The surprise of the day was the appearance of my youngest son, Joe. I had no idea he was coming. He is Ara's godfather and I'm so glad he was able to be here.
In the evening we spent some time back at Ara's apartment, and Joe and the boys engaged in the game of "fight". It was sheer pandemonium! Nothing got broken and no one was hurt, and even Joe survived taking on 4 kids - the 2 boys and the 2 girls (who held their own by the way). Joe is in school as well, and was able to take one of his finals a day early so he could leave CA on Friday, and he is going back to two more finals - one today and one tomorrow.

We were in a beautiful part of Pennsylvania, as is most of the state.
As for the trip from NY to PA and return, I was glad Sandy did the driving. Even though we made several stops for the boys to stretch their legs and for lunch, I could barely sit any longer. This morning I bought a small pillow to sit on for my drive back to CA, and I sure hope it helps - otherwise I don't know how I will make it. I just don't understand why I can't sit for that long as I have traveled so much in my life and it has never bothered me before now.
Lady was happy to see me this morning, and I was happy to see the old girl. The folks at the kennel raved about how good she is. I sent over more food and treats than she actually needed, but they were all used up. They must have added more wet food to her bowl than I do, and I'm sure they fed her more treats. If it made her happy it's ok with me.
I am tired so I don't know when I'll post again, and I'm not sure when I'll get all the blogs read that I usually keep up with.
Another Trip To "the Point"
Mike, Joshua and I went to West Point again today to the PX and Commissary. It is graduation weekend - with the ceremonies being next Tuesday, but it was crowded with proud families. Before that I looked out the window and saw one of the little...
Before the pandemonium I will describe my climb up the hill with my 8 yr old grandson yesterday just before dark. Here is the back yard, and we climbed up from the side and walked over to where we were behind the shed. I wondered if I could make...
Youngstown, Oh
This should be my longest day - 405 miles. I left NY at 8:00 am, and stopped at 3:30, plenty tired! I feel sorry for the dog as her space is pretty cramped, so I let her sniff the trees and grass a little longer at the rest stops. There were a few sprinkles...
An Evening At The Fair
I am too tired to write much tonight as we spent the late afternoon and evening at a local fair put on by the Sons of Italy. It was a family affair that had something for all ages. I really enjoyed the entertainment by a local singing group who seem to...
A Surprise!
Yesterday evening Jeannie called and asked if I wanted to come over for supper and then go walking at Mather Field. I didn't have to think twice about it and said yes, especially when she said she would pick me up. When I walked in their front door...