Hammond, Indiana
I arrived in Hammond early enough that the motel didn't have a room ready for me, so I sort of walked around with Lady for a while. I finally got into the room and got her settled, and then had the most wonderful visitors - Jim & Dee of Tumbleweed I've been wanting to meet them in person for so long - Dee was the first person in the RVing community that I came to know through the RV Dreams Chat Room.

They drove over from the RV Park in Joliet where they are currently staying, and we got acquainted and talked non-stop in my room for about an hour, then went for dinner at a nearby Cracker Barrel. What a delightful couple who have really taken to the RV lifestyle! I hope to meet them again in our travels.
I thought today's drive would be easier than yesterday's but it was only about 30 miles shorter, while it ran through some of the most annoying stretches of interstate and road work across Northern Ohio and Indiana. I am heading for Milwaukee tomorrow morning, so I have to face the route around Chicago, but after that I hope to do more traveling on two-lane highways than on the interstates.
Poor Lady was trying to get back into the car after one of our rest stops and fell back out. I stand behind her to help her if she can't quite make it, but this time there was no holding her. She bumped the back of my hand against something, leaving a cut a little over 1/2" long right up against one of the big veins that run through the hand. I also now have one giant bruise on my hand to go along with all the smaller ones on my hands and arms. You can't imagine how many times a day you lightly bump your hand or scratch hands and arms in some way until you take aspirin on a daily basis. I'm almost ready to give it up, although the worst thing I can imagine happening is a stroke, so I continue taking the aspirin which is causing me bruising and pain.
I hate to get ready for bed while it's still daylight, but I am ready to fall asleep sitting up!
Milwaukee, Wi; Oconto, Wi; Duluth, Mn
I'm not sure if I'll be able to cover the time since I left Hammond, IN on Thursday morning (the 7th) but I'll try not to get too wordy. Leaving Hammond in the morning I ran into pretty heavy traffic and lots of construction almost immediately,...
Floors Nearly Finished
Donald came over with the two girls this afternoon and went to work on the last room which is my bedroom. There are just a couple rows of flooring to go and since they require some fancy cutting around the floor vents it was decided to come back when...
The Wizard Of Oz
This morning I thought I would try an Aussie voice on my GPS and see how I like it. I had Karen or Lee to choose from, so I selected Lee. He's not bad at all - I was afraid he would sound like the Geico Gecko, which I couldn't have stood for one...
A Visit With Judy And Emma
I had a wonderful visit and lunch with Judy today, and Lady and I finally got to meet Emma. Emma is exuberant and Lady was worn out just watching her. This picture doesn't quite capture the exuberance however: Here is a photo of both: Judy and I...
What A Beginning To The Day!
I finally got everything packed into the car this morning and left a little before 8:30. After driving several miles I noticed the light that warns the fuel tank is low. Of course there wasn't an exit ramp or a gas station in sight, so I touched the...