'Young Hare' - Albrecht Durer |
When my husband gave me 'The Story of Art' by E.H. Gombrich, little did he know it will also cost him a trip for two to Vienna. Twice!
If you've read the 'about' page, you already know I'm passionate about art (among other things, like anthropology and cats). But watercolors didn't used to be among my favorite forms of artistic expression, probably because I used to bore myself to death trying to mix the colors with not a hint of success when I was a kid.
Anyways, one of the first pictures in Gombrich's book was a particularly famous rabbit I knew nothing about. With its abnormally long ears and impeccable fur, the brown bunny was cute and memorable enough to make me want to meet it in person.
Our first trip to Vienna was part of a two month trip around Europe. But we were busy packing and planning, and the rabbit and his lair were the last things on our mind before leaving home (that was before the smartphone era and before we even had a laptop). Therefore, we didn't check which museum hosted the rabbit. We remembered it on the road and we started looking for it, needless to say, without any luck. It felt like the bunny was playing hide and seek with us and we were loosing all the time. Nobody we asked knew its whereabouts either.
In spring 2010, we went to Vienna the second time, with our homework done and determined to visit Albertina, where Durer's bunny was hiding from us. But faced with the pricey ticket for a vast collection of drawings and prints that were't really our cup of tea, we hesitated. Eventually, we decided to enter, if nothing else, for the rabbit's sake. After all we had been chasing it around Europe for years now.
'View of Salzburg' - Rudolf von Alt (watercolor from Albertina) |
I have to confess the drawings I saw at Albertina made me reevaluate my opinion about this graphic art form. But then we got to the watercolors, and I was hooked. Emperor Ferdinand I's watercolors collection was on display in a temporary exhibition called 'At His Majesty’s Service'. In 1835, he commissioned the leading watercolorists of his day to create a "picture book" of the major towns and most scenic regions in the Austrian Empire and neighboring lands. And if these watercolors were good enough for the emperor, they surely were good enough for me too.
These masterpieces were like nothing I'd seen before. So beautifully composed, so soft and yummy they were, I fell in love with them. I stared at them for hours, analyzing each detail, each dress, each architectural element immortalized on modest pieces of paper. Lives past and love stories meant to repeatedly consume themselves forever, in a poorly lit museum room, at His Majesty's service.
'Die Esplanade in Ischi' - Rudolf von Alt (watercolor from Albertina) |
Albertina was a mind opening experience for me. And I am grateful for it and I have to give my thanks to Albrecht Durer's rabbit, which is actually a young hare. The bunny was cute, as expected, but nothing out of this world. It was just a lead. Maybe following the brown rabbit was more fortunate than following the white one.
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Voulezvousdiner Have just launched a new special offer. ...