More generator talk
If you can take another few remarks about my generator purchase yesterday, I would first say how relieved I am that common sense won out over whatever the female version of "macho" is, and that I bought the cute little model! I was really hurting by yesterday evening, all night, and into this morning, just from picking the larger one up! I'm fine now after stretching this morning and drinking the protein shake. (That stuff is wonderful - I must have been totally depleted of the protein I needed, but it seems to work fast.)

I should have asked yesterday if there was a remote starter available for the genny. However, in looking online this morning it seems that the remote system is available for generators about 2 steps up from mine, so I will just have to pull the cord to start it up. This is really comical to me as I normally don't have anything to do with remotes and here I am thinking about how nice it would be to have one. It wouldn't truly be like using a remote, but more like what I had in the 5th wheel which was a switch inside the rig to start the genny - I could also start it from a switch outside at the unit itself.
As for remotes, you guys reading this can go on all you like about how wonderful and necessary remotes are. You are forgetting that guys almost always hold the remotes, and that includes husbands, sons, and boyfriends. So I just got used to the fact that I never had control of the remote, and when I was by myself I could never find it - usually hidden deep down under a cushion where it would be available when the guy wanted it. I actually don't mind being remote-less - they have way too many buttons with symbols that make no sense to me. But then I don't need them for the few electronics I use - computer, printer, etc., don't even come with a remote that I'm aware of.
An advantage to the inverter generator that I bought is that it is safer when powering sensitive electronics. Now I don't understand much about inverters or converters, as much as I've tried to wrap my brain around it. I just know that somehow the power is converted from alternating current to direct current, and back again, and that my computer and MiFi should be safe, as well as any other such electronics - including a TV if I should ever get one. If I decide to add a solar system as I'd really like to do, I'll have to learn more inverter/converter-speak, but for now I just want to know that I won't fry my computer.
I had a talk with the apartment manager this morning about my parking space while I'm gone, and he assured me that it is assigned to my apartment and that there won't be any problem when I return from my travels. We also discussed the possibility of my being on the road when the lease expires, and he said he can do a 90-day lease as many times as I need one, and that if I'm not here at the time we can do it via fax. So that leaves my mind at ease about that potential problem.
I'm nearly ready to roll.
Back To Civilization!
Just back online after three days in a remote campground. So we have to get you all caught up! We'll start here, and post again later today with another update... Written Tuesday, Feb 24th 7:30am Yesterday morning, we said goodbye to our great free...
Hunnewell, Missouri
Tuesday October 28…10:15pm The temperature outside last night made it down to -3.3C (25F). We have a digital remote thermometer that we normally keep in the fridge, so on nights when I’m curious, I put the remote on the doorstep outside so we can...
Not Quite Finished
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What To Do On A Rainy Day?
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New Printer
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