Mostly finished
Denise and I finished the repacking this morning and lined up the boxes in storage until the shipper comes Wednesday.


I don't know why the two lines of code are visible in the blog, and I don't know how to get rid of them.
We worked until about noon and stopped for lunch.

Denise then checked out of the motel and started back to Durham. I took a lot of stuff to a Goodwill drop-off point and then came back to my room for a nap. I picked Lady up at about 5 pm, and she will spend the day there again tomorrow. I've decided that I don't need to make any more trips to storage, so I'll just keep her with me on Wednesday and leave her in the motel room while I'm meeting the shipper. She sleeps all the time anyway and I'll leave the A/C on for her.
I was shocked when they weighed Lady this morning - she weighs in at 87-1/2#, which is the most she's ever weighed. I don't understand what it could be except maybe the boys are giving her too many treats. She doesn't overeat - at least I don't think she does. I set down a bowl of food a day and she eats it when she wants it, usually during the night. I know the extra pounds aren't good for her bones, and she sometimes goes down to the floor very slowly as if she is in pain or else her joints are stiff. Poor thing.
And here is a picture of Napoleon:

I will probably turn in early this evening as I am still tired. I think I am losing my voice, which could be the air quality and allergies, or that I've talked too much over the past couple of days. Probably a little of both.
A few times today I wasn't sure I'd make it. First of all, until I reached Youngstown, Ohio (eastern side of the state) there was fog and light precipitation all day. The foggy haze wasn't bad enough so that you couldn't...
I took Lady to the vet after I checked in the motel and emailed Carolyn explaining what I had to do. We got to the vet a little early and planned to walk her around to get her joints unstuck, but she wouldn't get out of the car. Then Carolyn showed...
Toledo, Oh
Although I wanted to drive as far as Lorain, OH (Cleveland) this afternoon, I waited until the biggest part of commute traffic was gone this morning, and got a later start than usual. It was nice though, because my niece came over and she, my s-i-l and...
The Road Is Calling Me
I will leave for about a week in NC tomorrow morning, and I'm not sure how I can sleep tonight. I get so anxious before a trip although this hasn't been too bad, maybe because it is such a short trip. I have the car about half packed, with the...
Boxes Everywhere!
It is getting so that I can't walk a straight line from room to room in this small apartment, nor can I make my way easily from the front door to the end of the patio. I know this will all be resolved soon, but it would drive me crazy if I wasn't...