My surroundings
I took my camera with me this morning when I walked Lady, and shot some photos of what lies beyond the fence in back of my house. The scenery isn't all that great, but it's what I look at morning and afternoon, and it's actually a lot better when the sun is shining.
This is looking north, and the Park is to the left.
This is the view looking south, and if you enlarge the picture you can see the freeway - US50 that runs from Ocean City, MD all the way to San Francisco, CA.

My house is just left over the fence, with the blue tarp covering the swamp cooler.

And this is the light industry to the east of the Park.

It was a dark overcast morning as shown by the photographs. After loading three of them I used the enhance feature on the 4th which lightened it up considerably. With all the problems I have loading pictures into blogger I didn't want to go back and enhance the others and then have to re-load. This "trail" was actually once a street that ends in a cul de sac just before the freeway, but has now been closed off to motor vehicles. If you walk over to the main trail that runs along the river from downtown to Lake Natomas, it is much more narrow. The American River is about a mile to my north.
I took a break in my walking regimen today, reasoning that all muscles need a break now and then, so I'm giving mine time to heal.
Back On The Trail
I parked my car at a lot a few miles further along the trail and walked about 2-1/2 miles, which is 5 miles round trip. My legs are hurting, and I can't understand why they should since I walk a lot to begin with. The sun was...
I finally got out of the house this weekend, and on Saturday went with Jeannie & fam. to a nearby mall. I don't normally like to go anywhere near a mall, but I jumped at this opportunity to be out and about. It was a pleasant...
Call Me Butterfingers Today
I fixed a big bowl of my usual breakfast fruit and carried it into the living room. I was balancing the bowl on my lap and trying to open my laptop when the bowl somehow jumped and tipped most of the fruit on the floor. Not being one to waste,...
Sunday Afternoon
Another week has come to an end, and I'm almost breathless watching time go by so fast! Jeannie came over and we walked on the bike trail that runs behind my house, over to the American River. I don't think I've been out on that...
Still No Carpet Cleaner
His luck is about as bad as mine lately. I wrote about his encounter with wasps, and the next morning he was supposed to be here early. His son works with him, and the van he was driving was hit by another car. The son is ok, but the driver of the car...