No RV show for me today
I was up early enough to take in some of the RV show before it got too hot, but decided I wasn't interested. As I mentioned, I have no desire to look at big, feature-laden RV's - more than I want or need and certainly more than I can afford. I think I will visit some local dealers in the next few months and see what they might have on the lot - if I find a salesman I like I can always ask him or her to keep an eye out for something in the category I want. I have a small CD (and I do mean a small one) that matures in late October, and that is what I will use to pay so it doesn't make sense to look in earnest right now. Of course, if something comes along that is perfect then I will find another source of funds to raid.
Jeannie called me early to tell me that Ara had safely arrived in Frankfurt and caught another plane to her final destination. From the airport she was able to get a bus to the university area, walked past where she will be going to class, and had no trouble finding her apartment. The landlord was very friendly and helpful - with her rusty German and his minimal English, they were able to carry on a conversation and understand each other.
Since it was early we decided to go to the downtown farmer's market. The pictures of what I bought do quite do them justice.

While I had everything set out on the table, I grabbed a little of this and a little of that, two kinds of chard, spinach, zucchini, onion, mushroom, tomato, carrot, small pattypan squash, and probably more, sliced and cut them up and sauteed them, then beat two fresh eggs from the dozen I bought this morning and poured it over all the veggies in the skillet. I forgot to add a sprinkling of cayenne to the egg mixture first, so I sprinkled a tiny bit on top of the mixture after it had cooked. I got one bite that had me running for a glass of water!
Not sure if they are visible in the photos but I also bought fresh corn on the cob, cherries, a sweet basil plant, and probably other stuff I am forgetting about now. I washed, re-packed, and put it all away after I ate. I have left over chicken tenderloin, but the main course for my supper will definitely be corn on the cob along with some other fresh veggies, with chicken as a side dish!
I forgot to get ice cream on the way home so I will have to go out again. I'm really going through a lot of it lately, and it tastes so good when the weather is hot.
We're Not In Mexico Anymore!
And we proved it yesterday when we bought a package of 50 corn tortilla for $6.95!! We actually had gone to a Mexican grocery store here in Saskatoon and they even have fresh corn tortillas. But those are 6 for $2.95! You can't afford to eat like...
Question Answered
I thought I'd write a short post to answer a question posed by Linda about what veggies and fruits I use for juicing. The main two are carrots and kale. I also use squash (summer stuff, such as zucchini) as it has lots of juice. ...
Walking Again
I'm trying to get some regular walking exercise, so have been doing the big loop around the mobile home park. I walked two mornings and then took yesterday off, and resumed again this morning when I got lost toward the end of my walk. One end of the...
The Best Seafood
I don't often write about food (at least I don't think I do) mainly because I don't like to eat out. Yesterday on my way home from the hairdresser I stopped at Whole Foods to see if they had sole fillets. Well they did, but not the Dover sole...
Another Day Away From Home
I owe Lady big time for leaving her for the second all-day time in a row. Donald borrowed my truck early so that he could help his mom move some of her stuff to her new house, so I drove it over there and went with the girls (Jeannie and her 3 daughters)...