Ready to go!



We all got into the act. I didn't have as much problem with it as I did in the store where they add weights to the pack. I think sandbags are more difficult to carry than actual clothing and gear, so I will hold my options open!
Nothing seems to be going as it should - she is picking up the international flight tomorrow in Chicago where they are expecting heavy storms. Then, she was supposed to call the landlady in Germany where she will be living while at school, but neither of the phone numbers work. She did get in touch with a friend who lives about an hour away from where she will be going to school, so she has someone to call in an emergency, and he offered to let her camp out at his house rather than spend the night trying to get some sleep in the banhof (railway station). Oh to be young again and setting out on such a journey. In my experience, the journeys that start out with problems and setbacks and unknown futures are the very best and teach you the most. As well traveled as Ara is, she will be ready to deal with any situation when she has completed this trip. Solo traveling does that for a person.
First of all I need to clarify that I will be staying in the Ranger Cabin at Butte Lake, rather than in a tent. I'll have an actual propane fridge, stove, & water heater, plus a shower. I just spoke with the woman in charge at Lassen, and she told...
Excursion To Rei
Ara stopped by this morning and we drove over to our favorite outdoor gear store to look at backpacks. We got there when the store opened and found the b.p. department, but it became immediately obvious we needed some help and advice. An extremely knowledgeable...
The Mercury's Climbing . . .
. . . up into the 90's for the next 5 days, and uncomfortably close to 3 digits for some of those days. I still can't complain about my apartment, which is cool day and night, but I don't like to be out in the afternoon which limits my mobility...
More On Flashlights, Travel
I forgot to mention that when I was at Jeannie's house on Sunday, I challenged her to insert the batteries into the flashlight that gave me so many problems. There were two flashlights left in the pack, and Donald suggested getting both out for a...
Another Day
Mostly I've had a pretty boring day, but first off, I got an email from Dee telling me how I can convert and send MP3 ringtones to my phone. Don't ask me how it all works, but it did. I'm so darn proud of myself for figuring it out - I usually...