Sunday rest
But only for part of the day, as I'm planning a visit to the gym this evening.With not much to write about today, I took a couple of photos of the sorts of things I find when my grandchildren are here. Note that two of them are able to write, and while the others know their letters they haven't left me any notes.On the left is a note from granddaughter Alyssa (Joe's); the middle one is from Arianna, and on the right is Autumn's (Jeannie's daughters). The second photo is hard to read because it's on a yellow post-it note against a white cabinet. The third is a little picture drawn by Keira (Joe's youngest) and I found it stuck to my closet mirror in the bedroom. The photo didn't turn out so well, and you might be able to notice me in the background taking the picture. Ignore my unmade bed in the background! (Please click to enlarge the pictures.)

My grandchildren are all so sweet and I love having them come over. Joe's girls are totally fascinated with my wooden spring clothes pins, and I let them play with them when they are here. Alyssa likes to decorate them and many have been adorned with tiny pictures she's drawn with a marker. I've been thinking that the next one with a birthday might be getting a package of clothespins from Grandma! I'm chuckling to think of what the birthday party crowd would think of it - they'd wonder why I haven't been put in a home yet.
Grandkid Week!
Autumn and Arianna (Jeannie's) were over last night for a couple of hours. They are so much fun and I can have adult conversations with them. I hope to see Alyssa and Keira (Joe's) today as I have Keira's birthday present...
Quitting Time For Today
I was sitting in my comfortable office chair sorting photos & misc., and when I swiveled in the chair I somehow knocked over a nearly full can of beer I had just opened. Fortunately for me the beer didn't get on any of the pictures - that...
Family Dinner
It was held at Steve & Meg's house this evening. As I've mentioned before, the dinners usually have a theme, and the theme for this one was camping. Steve set up a couple of tarps and tents, which the kids loved crawling...
Older Than Dirt!
Jeannie called this afternoon and asked if I wanted to come over for a while, as they were going to sit out by the pool while the girls were playing in the water. When I got there I found Alyssa (Joe & Sarah's daughter) had spent the night. ...
Getting Ready To Party
Not really, not me at least, but I am going to a birthday party for my granddaughter Autumn, who will be 6 yrs old in a couple of days. Last night Donald was doing the cake and needed to get his 4 girls out of the house for a while, so Jeannie,...