TC, FB, and the Eclipse
I visited Lance-A-Lot today. The storage lot was full, and the only decent photo I could get was from the back of the camper. I had to be careful because I was standing right next to the electric fence, and I don't need any additional electrification! An auction was going on somewhere in the vicinity, and I could hear the sing-song voice of the auctioneer. I really enjoy hearing the sound of an auctioneer just as I enjoy hearing the announcer at a horse race-track! Weird?
I hope you can see that the camper is sitting very close to the ground and not up on stilts. I did a few things inside, and took measurements (again) of the overhead cabinet above the dinette as I want to get some plastic storage boxes to try to get organized.

I hope I've seen the last of Facebook. I was going to follow the instructions to delete my account left in yesterday's blog by commenter Cindy, but when I tried to log in I received a message that my account was suspended. I just hope they keep me suspended for a long time. I was beginning to wonder if the alert I got from them yesterday was also a fake, but I guess it was for real. I am not going to respond to them as they directed me to in their email, however. Supposedly they need me to take certain actions and provide information so that they can begin account verification. Just close it out completely, FB.
I tried to take some photos of the eclipse last night but they just didn't turn out very well. I had even gone so far as to read the user guide for instructions on taking night photos. I think I am going to buy a tripod but didn't get it soon enough for the eclipse. I came inside before the eclipse was complete - standing in the damp cold while holding your head in an unnatural position to look straight up isn't easy. I think I saw about half of it, or maybe a little more. A beautiful sight!
Now we can look forward to the daylight hours lengthening, (YEA!) but also a return all too soon to the infernal tampering of the clock and daylight savings time (BOO-HISS!)
Rainy Saturday Morning
I'm going to enjoy just sitting here for a little while and drinking my coffee. The rain has begun but I still hope to get over to the market for a few items, even if I have to carry an umbrella. I've kept busy this past week looking through...
Cell Phones And Other Devices
I'd like to ask if there are any readers who use the Jitterbug cell phone. My contract with Verizon will be fulfilled in one month, and while I have generally been satisfied with Verizon I would like to go to a more simple cell phone. My current plan...
Dogged Determination
I have had a whole lot of little successes today, so I don't know why the clutter in my house hasn't been reduced, at least that I can see. First off, I had a light bulb go off in my head. I was exasperated that what looked like such a simple...
Back In Sacramento
I just wanted to thank everyone who has commented on my post about quitting my blog. I am between a rock and a hard place, because I love blogland and all the readers and commenters, and I'm reluctant to again put all that work into what I thought...
Campgrounds, Photography, And Other Things
I just received a comment from Sandie, of "Where are the Dixons Today". She responded to a comment I left on her blog about wanting to visit the Laura Ingalls Wilder places in De Smet, SD, and she had a tip for a good campground at Lake Thompson State...