Time with my grandson
I spent about 4 hours today just holding my little baby grandson. What a joy he is, and he looks just like his daddy did at that age. Looking at Steve now you would never believe he could have started out so tiny! I told Steve I was going to have Liam's picture printed up and then draw a mustache and goatee on it to see what he will look like about 25 years from now. It was really sweet having a low-key visit with just Steve, Meg and Liam.
It was also sad to see their doggie, Rocco. He is just skin and bones now (he is pictured with Lady on a photo from our camping trip at Sly Park just a month ago). Steve now has to carry him up and down the steps into the back yard, but his tail still wags furiously. I'm so glad he is here to meet Liam, but also sorry he won't be around for Liam to grow up with. I have never known a dog with a sweeter and more friendly nature.
By the time I got home Lady was REALLY ready to go out - about 2 hours after her normal afternoon walk time. She is such a good dog that way, but the day will come when she won't have such control. She is showing her age in the way she gets up and down in her bed. I won't ever have another pet when she is gone.
It was a dollar short of the predicted 100 degrees today - only got up to 99! But at 9 pm it is still 86, which is a long way from getting cool enough for me.
I am so hoping to get a call from the optometrist tomorrow - they told me 7 to 10 days for my glasses, and tomorrow will be a week. I hope they don't mean 7 to 10 business days, but that is probably the way it is. I hope I'm not putting too much faith in these glasses working magic for me, but I really need to be able to read again. I just can't seem to hold on to a good mood with my eyesight being the way it is, but I'm thankful I can see much better for driving now. The surgeon told me I don't need glasses for driving, which is great.

Find A Penny, Pick It Up ....
.....and all the day you'll have good luck! I picked up a penny coming out of the gym today and of course so far today I've had good luck. I'm trying to get things together for my trip, so at least I'm working on it. I pulled...
Chip Off The Old Block!
Steve and Liam came by this morning, and he offered to replace the carpeting on my steps. When it really started to look good he offered to do the porch if I get more carpeting. Liam came with his tool belt around his waist, and it so funny to watch...
Getting Ready -
for a trip that is certainly not for pleasure. I'll be leaving tomorrow at mid-morning for the Fresno area where my brother-in-law will be buried. Ara will drive down wih me, and I hope we don't run into rain or fog because she can do the driving....
Lunch Out Today
I drove to Steve & Megan's today, and went with them and Liam to a favorite restaurant for lunch. I was really craving their fish and chips, and it was excellent. The lunch is just enough for me - two beautifully cooked filets plus good french fries...
Welcome To My Newest Grandson
I'm tired tonight so I will make this a short entry. My grandson, Liam Michael, was born at 5:13 this afternoon, weighing in at 7# 3oz. He is beautiful, of course, and his expressions go back and forth between looking like his mama and his daddy....