Views I will soon be missing

I never tire of all the trees, grass, and greenery! The picture below was taken of a neighbor's yard, and I love the beautiful symetrical pine tree in the center of the photo.

Since I had planned to drive a different route back to CA I didn't bring a couple of maps I will be needing, so I called the AAA in Sioux Falls this morning. The staff there is so pleasant and helpful, and the maps are on the way. Not that I really NEED them, but I enjoy looking at the details.
Several folks mentioned Microsoft Streets and Trips, and I've often heard positive comments about it. I never got into it since I have a Mac, but I notice there is now a Mac version. I still prefer opening the maps and getting the big picture, and putting a tentative route together in my mind. I've found it just as easy to do a Google search for something like "Mileage Aberdeen, SD to Miles City, MT", and the answer comes back immediately. Too far? I just pick another ending point and repeat the process. I really don't need Mapquest either because it isn't always possible to move the route to entirely what you want, so I end up improvising along the way. Whatever works and is appealing to the individual user!
As Billy Bob is fond of saying, "Boy howdy let me tell ya", I had a fine southern style meal last night at Cracker Barrel! You wouldn't expect to find good shrimp and grits in NY or anywhere outside the Southeast, but I tried them and they were delicious! I was taking a chance though.
The big question this afternoon is "will there be a T-ball game at 5:30?" The fields are certainly wet and even though the rain stopped about an hour ago, I can't imagine them being in any shape for little boys who would just as soon kick clods of mud as they would kick clouds of dust. I can deal with a T-ball game now and then, but lord deliver me from soccer! I loved soccer when my kids were starting out as first graders, but now they start the kids as young as 4, and they don't have a clue what is going on. Of course there is usually one little kid who is ready for Manchester United (and it's usually a little girl).
Fourteen more wake-ups!
Camping, Cont'd.
I have just a few more pictures and I covered most of the camping details in yesterday's post. A word about the photos, there are so many trees and the CA sun is so bright that it's not easy to get a good picture with all the dappling of...
A big part of the weekend has been devoted to kids' soccer, and I'm all soccered out. If I didn't have to watch another practice or game for the next few years I'd be quite happy about it. Two kids equal two practices on Friday...
Rather than having an "AHA" moment it was more like a "Well DUH" moment when the light bulb came on. I have spent days poring over maps, using the new Mapquest, figuring mileages, hours of driving time, preferred routes, etc., when it finally came to...
The Mercury's Climbing . . .
. . . up into the 90's for the next 5 days, and uncomfortably close to 3 digits for some of those days. I still can't complain about my apartment, which is cool day and night, but I don't like to be out in the afternoon which limits my mobility...
Great Job, Marty!
I always love it when I can say that to myself. This morning I drove in towards town to the AAA office to pick up a bunch of maps. Not wanting to appear a hog, I only got half the maps I will need, necessitating another trip back. I think they told me...