When it rains, it pours!
The rain yesterday just didn't let up, and the opposite window, on the driveway side of the house, began leaking really badly. I knew there was severe water damage to the paneling, and one reason this is the last room I'm going to paint is because I have to replace sections of paneling. I needed roller skates to get back and forth between windows, the wads of paper towels got soaked as soon as I got them into place. I did place cups to catch drips, but I think on at least one of the windows there was more rain coming in at the lower part of the window.
This morning was clear and the sun came out, so I got the ladder out, the plastic sheeting, and the duct tape, and I have a fine looking redneck fix!

The window that has been leaking all along has this ugly slat-type awning, which makes it difficult to do anything there. When Donald caulked the window he had to get on the roof to access the top of the window. Another problem is that there is gravel on this side of the house, and I don't feel comfortable moving the ladder around on it, nor does it feel steady. The other window was easy enough to cover as it is on the driveway side and the ladder was steady.

Lady wasn't out long this morning when she stepped on something (?), and has been limping pretty badly and she absolutely won't even let me look at it. When we went out this afternoon she didn't limp quite as much, but it is still bothering her.
My daughter and her family flew to Florida last night for my niece's wedding next week, and she called me this morning to tell me they arrived safely. I had asked her to call as I would be worried until I heard from her. A mother never stops worrying!
Autumn is excited about being the flower girl. During this week they plan to visit Disney World and other tourist traps in the area. I'm a person who wouldn't go near a Disney park, although I did take my two youngest sons with me on a business trip to Tampa back in the 1980's, and we spent a day at Epcot, visited Sea World, and Busch Gardens. I think we all preferred being at the motel in Cocoa Beach, where the boys loved the beach access just in back of our motel. I don't know what Cocoa Beach is like now, but then it seemed to still have a 1950's look and feel about it, and we absolutely loved it. Cape Canaveral was a highpoint as well.
I think yesterday's post mentioned that I have Springer Fever and long to backpack the Appalachian Trail again. I've decided that I will attempt it next year - 2013 - and if I still feel this way in the fall, I will begin to get the gear together. I couldn't count the times since 1997 and now that I've made this decision, but it gives me something to look forward to. So you can believe it when I actually do it! And laugh at me if I don't.
I Drug Myself To Walmart
There are a number of items I want to buy but haven't found them elsewhere, or if I found them they cost way more than I wanted to pay. So I made my "about 4x-a-year-trip" to Walmart. Nothing has changed there - I had several things on...
I Did It!
The laugh is on me! I decided to scroll through the cookies every other day or so and get rid of the ones that had been added. Somehow instead of clicking on "delete individual cookies", I clicked "delete all cookies". It's no big...
Forget The Rv-how About An Ark?
For being dry most of the usual rainy season, nature is trying to catch up in a week or two. It's slamming down right now, but not with the heavy winds of a couple of days ago. I'm still having problems with the window leak, but it isn't from...
Trying To Stay Afloat!
After sitting around most of the morning trying to stay warm, I went back to Costco to pick up the prescriptions called in by the doctor yesterday. I seem to have no self-control there - spent another $60 + $30 for the prescriptions. Remember how difficult...
I've Had A Good Day!
I ordered my Triptik, and visited my doctor. She was very agreeable today, but convinced me to see a hematologist, which I will. I didn't realize that the hematology dept. is supposed to get the referral (which they did), then evaluate it and call...