Work in progress
Joe came by late this morning to check out the flooring, and put the underlayment down in the small bedroom after we emptied it of all the boxes and junk. Now the boxes and junk are all stacked in my living room, but I can live with it temporarily. He and Donald returned this evening and started laying the flooring, and will be back tomorrow to work on finishing that room plus my bedroom.
The first picture is more representative of the wall color, and I don't know why it looks yellow in the later pictures.

You can see that I still have painting work to do in that room - closet sliding doors and drawers, plus to finish the basic closet front. I started painting the drawers in my bedroom and I think everything is going to go together so well when it's all finished, whenever that will be.
If I Had A Dollar . . .
. . . for every time I've said "Oh shit!" while painting, I would be able to pay a painter to do the kitchen for me. It's all coming along very nicely though, and I love the bright yellow on the living room walls. I didn't know if using the...
Never Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth!
I haven't heard anyone else say that for a long time, although I say it once in a while. As most readers know that how I came into possession of the dwelling I'm in is an instance of pure serendipity. I realized there were a lot of things that...
Some More Accomplishments
Steve came today and the first thing we did was go to Home Depot to buy plumbing fixtures and supplies, as well as other miscellaneous items. I now have a new kitchen sink fixture which is really nice and doesn't leak if you turn it too far, and new...
I Should Sleep Well Tonight
I am surrounded by boxes that need emptying and a couple of items of furniture that need to be rearranged, but I'm happy to have my comfy bed set up. It is a queen size bed, and takes up a lot of the room. I'll be happy with the bed, a chest of...
The Best Laid Plans . . .
As arranged with Yvonne I appeared at the house at 8:30 this morning. I could tell she was no way ready for me, and still has a lot of things to pack and move. I offered to come back in an hour, and she seemed to think that would do it. Well, after an...