Facebook Landing Pages

Facebook Landing Pages

Would You Like a Custom Facebook Landing Page?   

As we all know Social Media just wont go away it is constantly evolving and changing and there is always new features to add to help in converting sales from your Facebook page.

One of the latest things are custom landi
ng pages rather than new people to your page landing on your wall.

These pages can be like mini websites and give your potential clients a more professional look at your company rather than just landing on your wall in the middle of a conversation.

Please take a look at 2 we have just recently created...

Ashanti Lodge

 Face Adrenalin

You will notice all the images are clickable and link to pages!

We have a launch special offer for these pages of R750 per page and we will even throw in a FREE Social Media blast worth R600 to help promote your new landing page.  

Please let us know if you would like one of these pages created or if you need assistance with any of your other online marketing or social media needs
Contact Us  


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