Road trip!

Road trip!

Well, for today anyhow. We're going down to Oswego, NY to watch our son's college baseball. It's about a 2 1/2 hour drive each way. The weather forecast isn't great...50% chance of rain, but this is the closest game they play to where we are, and I think the showers will probably hold off enough that they'll be able to get some ball in.
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- Plattsburgh, New York
Tuesday April 21…11:15pm When checking email this morning, we found that Alex’s baseball game was cancelled for today due to wet weather. And when checking the weather forecast for Middlebury Vermont, it’s not looking very promising for tomorrows...

- Watertown (day 2)
Sunday April 20…11:30pm My Mom and Dad came down to Watertown to visit for the day and watch Alex and his team play. Alex ended up not playing the first game, which they lost 7-1. Alex did play the second game, he had two singles and an RBI and they...

- Harrison Hot Springs
Wednesday November 28...9:30pm Lazed around this morning for a bit just getting things sorted in Sherman to get on the road again. Walked to the post office to get a U.S. money order for Alex so that he can go play baseball in Tennessee next June and...

- How Has The Weather Been In Aruba? Typically Ordinary
There have been passing rain showers. Far from anything to ruin a vacation. Rain in Aruba falls mainly over night and early in the morning. That is not to say you will not have a passing shower during the day however they are usually brief and generally...

- Do Not Peak At Aruba Weather Forecasts!
Where the Aruba weather forecasts are concerned, they are not reliable to say the least. Ask anyone who has followed the reports prior to their Aruba vacation and the Aruba weather forecast always says a "chance of showers". There are no two weather forecasts...

