My internet connection held for a little longer yesterday evening, so I checked my air card usage. I used 4455 out of 5120 "whatevers". I always have problems converting from bytes to kilobytes to megabytes, and now I have to deal with gigs! That was running it pretty close, but now it's set back to zero to start out a new month. I usually never use that much of my allotment, but listened to a number of chapters of an audio book about Dec. 21, 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar. I also discovered Pandora internet radio as well as how to access my favorite bluegrass music station from WAMU in Washington, DC. Good thing I mostly stay away from videos.
I went out for a brief jaunt this morning and was surprised at how much traffic was on the roads at 10:00 a.m. Well it's Friday, "Furlough Friday" as is the case, when the state workers have to take a day off work without pay. That explains the extra traffic at least, and I am thankful this week is drawing to a close. What a week it has been - tempers have been flaring and everything seems to come out wrong. I'll be glad when things, and people, get back to somewhat normal. Maybe my computer will follow suit.
It's amazing how many good deals on small RV's I can find when I can't follow up on anything. Will the albatross ever sell and allow me to pursue my dreams?
Now I will end before I put my foot in my mouth, and wish all of you a good weekend.
New Doctor
This morning was the long-awaited "establish care" meeting with my new doctor. I really like him, and we are going to get along fine. I explained how I feel about tests and what they could determine, and told him I don't want tests. ...
Bend, Oregon
I arrived in Bend at 3:pm today and have been trying to stay on an internet connection ever since. The free wifi is just about worthless. Add to that I can't find the cord that links my camera to the computer so I can't download any pictures I've...
Leaving Soon?
I decided today to possibly leave early Monday morning, maybe before daylight, and get a start on the traffic. I am not sure yet whether to go I-80 or US 50E - I'd much rather drive on 50 but the roads could be bad the closer I get to Lake Tahoe....
Kudos To Verizon
This evening within 5 minutes I received two unwanted text messages - one advertising Bud Light, and another written in Italian. I talked to a tech at Verizon who blocked all text, photo, and animated messages, plus put me on the Do-Not-Call list. I asked...
Sandisk Sansa Fuze+ Review. Music On The Go
Smartphones are wonderful. One can do every basic computer task right from the mobile, watch movies and listen to favorite music. But when I travel I cannot always charge my mobile phone while on the go. Sometimes I am worried that while on the plane...