Travel day! Manizales to Pereira, Colombia.
We got up yesterday morning, had the included hostel breakfast at Hostal Kaleidoscopio, and asked the owner Martha if we had time to go for a walk to the monument overlook before check out time. She said "sure", and so we got our bags packed first, and then went for a walk.
This is the monument we were trying to get to a couple of days ago when it started raining and then we were sidetracked by paranoia!
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Another Great Day In Joshua Tree National Park
Written Wednesday morning, April 6th. Around 8:30am yesterday morning, I saw a park ranger walk by with some paperwork in his hand. I went out and flagged him down to ask about their "campground full" signs. He says "I've only found...
Nice Lookout Tower...but It's Closed.
Supposed to be breakfast included at this hostel, but as we watched the girl put it together yesterday morning we realized there wasn't much for us. Sure, coffee and tea, but we had already made our own hot chocolate anyhow. She brought out a big...
We've Had Enough Of City Life...
When we woke up yesterday morning, the sun was shining. We were trying to decide between a walk up the road into the hills behind the hostel, or a walk into downtown to see the cathedral. I checked google maps, and the road up into the hills only goes...
Change Of Plans
Originally, we were planning on going from here (Manizales) directly to Salento. However staying at a hostel means that you're often talking to other travelers from around the world and sometimes that can give you ideas for different things to do...
24/7 In The Motorhome
When we started out on this RV lifestyle, some of the questions people asked us were "what are you going to do all the time?" and "won't you get bored?" Click here to read more......