I saw the eye doctor this morning, and he promised to write a prescription for glasses when I go back on March 26. That will give me time to have the glasses made before I leave for NY. It was a short trip from there to pick up the dog food, so I can relax the rest of the day. Maybe tomorrow I will try to buy more TSP so I can get started working again.
This is the ceiling fixture with all the blades removed. The ones I took down today went a little easier, probably without all those other blades in the way. The other picture is a close up of the top part of the blade. It is supposed to be white, as you can sort of tell from the edges, but it hasn't been white for years!

As far as letting the person who is installing the new fixture take down the old one, it will be one of my sons or my son-in-law. They do so much for me as it is, and it isn't like I'm paying a stranger to come and get this awful thing down. So now I've done all I can, and the rest of it is sticky enough to be a distasteful job.
Today is a beautiful day except the wind is blowing something fierce. I'm thinking about a nap.
New Eyeglasses
My new glasses came in today, 3 days earlier than promised, and I drove over to Walmart to pick them up. A few adjustments and I was out of there. You know how it is when you get a new prescription and glasses - it takes a little while to...
A Short Break
I visited my daughter and her family today, so I took a short break from scanning Ireland pictures. I watched her slideshow of pictures from the recent wedding of my niece in Orlando, plus many photos from the visits to Disney, Epcot, and all the related...
Thankful For Family
I was at Home Depot at 8:30 this morning to buy caulk for the top of the window that leaked yesterday. I stayed up late, having to constantly empty the 4 tumblers I had set across the sill to catch the leaks, and every time I got up to go to the bathroom...
All Systems Go!
I allowed myself - plenty of time to get to my 8:50 appointment this morning, and wouldn't you know I hit all the lights green with very little traffic. Fortunately they were able to get me in to see Dr. G. within just a few minutes. He is well satisfied...
Time With My Grandson
I spent about 4 hours today just holding my little baby grandson. What a joy he is, and he looks just like his daddy did at that age. Looking at Steve now you would never believe he could have started out so tiny! I told Steve I was going to have Liam's...