In Virginia
I was pretty tired when I arrived at the motel in Virginia at 5:30 pm. Traffic wasn't easy today, and though I got off to a decent start about 10:30 this morning, it seems the scenic byways are about as crowded as I-95. I'd still take the byways - the traffic on 95 was too fast for me and I was only on it for a short while.I think I left off when we arrived in Philly on Monday. Ara drove us around the Center City so that we could get an idea how it is laid out and what there is to see. Then we parked the car and walked downtown which turned out to be a problem for me because walking in Birkenstocks on lots of brick sidewalks is not easy on the legs. I'm not sure how many miles we racked up, but it was a few.Ara had to go to work for a few hours, so she left Stephanie and me on our own. We both wanted to see the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, so that was one of our priorities for that day. (Click on a picture to enlarge it.)These are some of the rooms in Independence Hall. Unfortunately I didn't write notes when the Park Svc. guide was speaking, so the only one I'm absolutely sure about is the picture with the round tables. There are 13 of these, each holding a delegation from the 13 original colonies. I believe the previous two photos show rooms where the actual documents - Articles of Confederation, Constitution, and Declaration of Independence were hammered out.Next are some pictures taken from the courtyard. A lightning rod can be seen in the 3rd picture, supposedly placed there by Benjamin Franklin.The next three are rooms in a building next to Independence Hall. The first was used by the House of Representatives, and the second and third were for the Senate. We did a lot more walking around the area and then headed back to Ara's neighborhood. Waiting for her at an outdoor table just a few doors from where she lives, I took this picture of the street scene and it is just about my favorite. After a beer or two at this cafe, we bought a huge Philly Cheesesteak and split it up between 4 of us! That's how big it was, and delicious. Ara, Hannah, Stephanie and I were able to fill up on one big sandwich. Probably the giant slice of pizza each of us ate for lunch was affecting our appetites as well.

I loved every minute I spent in Philadelphia - even the noise and all the people, the traffic, the walking, etc. It is a beautiful city and friendly as well - it doesn't have a huge city feel like Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago etc. might have. I know I've always said I prefer the countryside and I do, but I got the feeling "I could live here" while I was there. Of course I could have lived there when I was in my 20's, and would almost certainly not do it now. I'll cover the events from Tuesday when I post tomorrow. If I can post tomorrow, as I will be in the Shenandoah and may not be able to get wifi.
Day 1 - Nevada
Sacramento to Ely, NV: 445 miles; 9 hrs. On Wednesday I realized I had no TV or internet connection - I mistakenly asked AT&T to turn it off on Apr. 1 rather than Apr. 2. No TV and no internet is hard to deal with when you...
My Trip In Retrospect
I was going to do a whole long post recapping my recent cross country trip, but most of you followed it anyway. Of course I loved visiting with all the people - family, old friends, and new friends. But I will narrow this down to places. In...
Back On Track
I'm feeling much better today, and I think I just ate something that didn't agree with me. Or maybe it was something else, but I'm not interested in finding out what it was! I got new insoles for my walking shoes today, as I'm going...
Birthday And Goodbye New York
Justin had a very good birthday with lots of presents! Here he is on his new scooter, and his brother is going to try out the new roller skates. Justin had them on in the house and it was difficult to keep from falling even on the carpet....
Blogger Interface
I think I will drop out for a while - maybe just a few days - but until I can get a better attitude about the "new" blogger interface. I just started to write a blog and post a picture of my new computer. The picture came up fast when...