My Musings: Culture Shock Through A Flat Screen
The above video is part of the 'Human Planet' BBC series. I've just finished watching the first two episodes and they've stormed a sea of thoughts inside my head.
I'm a European intoxicated with Hollywoodian movies and for the last two hours I've been watching on my 37" flat screen these amazing people who struggle for survival in the most unexpected places and practicing the most dangerous and exhausting tasks to replenish their community food and water supply. It's difficult to grasp the essence of their delicate existence from a comfy sofa.
'Human Planet' BBC series |
I couldn't stop asking myself why on Earth don't they just leave the deserts and their centuries old traditions to live a better life in our 21st century civilization? What can possibly keep them stranded there, walking for miles in search for a well, stilt fishing or fighting epic battles with dangerous sharks?
In a world where traveling is easier than ever, how am I ever supposed to fully understand their symbiotic attachment with the piece of land or sea that keeps them alive; their almost organic connection with the bucket of sand they call home? I left the parental nest when barely nineteen. For me 'home' changed its meaning a few times in the past years. But for these people, 'home' is a beacon they would follow blind folded, as 'home' for them seems to be part of their instinct of survival.
Yet we all play, and sing, and laugh, and love, and hurt and die. We are all so equal in our nature that it's even hard to see. Like Jorge Luis Borges said, 'no one is anyone, one single immortal man is all men'. There's only an infinite diversity joining in infinite combinations...
Hot Water Today, Maybe?
I wrote yesterday about the problem with my water heater. I couldn't figure out how to reset the pilot light, so I just made the best of it but I will have to re-run my dishwasher today. I went to the Park office first thing to complain about...
In yesterday's post I mentioned having bought soy-free eggs, and Shadowmoss commented she had never heard of them. I found this info on the internet, and will repeat it here in case there are others who also wonder about it. "Soy has become...
3 Sci-fi Places I Would Like To Visit
Were you ever wondering about what places you would visit if you could step into any sci-fi world that you have read about, watched on the silver screen or in the comfort of your own home on TV? Well, here is my own list. Suraya Bay of RisaSuraya...
'eat, Pray, Love' - My Review
I've just finished reading, actually listening to the audio book, 'Eat, Pray, Love' by Elizabeth Gilbert. I loved that it was read by the author herself which gave the book an extra dimension. To make it clear right from the beginning, I'm...
Adam - Travel With More Than Just An Ebook Reader
Adam, the new Notion Ink tabletWe all got used to the idea of having an ebook reader while traveling as it saves space and eventually money, but don't you just miss some of the comforts from home, like watching a movie or a favorite TV series...